< Tikkun
Jan/Feb 2002 : Cover : The Post-Taliban World >
Pacifism: Now More than Ever
Philip J. Bentley
In the face of such an obvious evil as terrorism how
could anyone oppose war? Given what happened on September 11, how
can the American anti-war movement opposing the bombing of
Afghanistan and advocating pacifism be justified?
Pacifism is the most misunderstood word in the entire political
lexicon. Often confused with the word "passive," "pacifism" is too
often taken to mean an amoral refusal to confront and oppose evil in
the world. But the words have very different roots. While "passive"
comes from the Greek word for "suffering," "pacifism" comes from the
Latin word for "peace." Pacifism does not mean being passive in the
face of evil. On the contrary, pacifism is all about confronting and
defeating evil. Ever since Shifra and Puah refused to obey Pharaoh's
evil command to kill all male children of Israelite women during
childbirth, people of conscience have fought evil without resorting
to violence. Moreover they have often succeeded.
Too often, pacifism's successes, such as Gandhi's independence
movement and Martin Luther King Jr.'s civil rights movement, are
dismissed because the pacifists are said to have been working within
civilized democratic societies instead of facing "true evil." At the
same time, pacifism's critics accuse it of terrible failures,
including the rise of Hitler—criticisms that are absurd given the
actual history of these events.
For example, pacifism is often blamed for Neville Chamberlain's
shameful performance at Munich. It's true that a potent pacifist
movement arose after World War I as a reaction to the ghastly
carnage of that conflict. However, while the rhetoric of that
movement was sometimes cynically adopted by national governments, it
did not actually impose its will on any of them. In the case of
Chamberlain, despite his infamous assertion that he had brought
"peace in our time," peace was hardly his mission. England had a
long history of attempting to influence events by creating a
"balance of power" through its diplomatic and military policies and
actions. Chamberlain, the Conservative prime minister, followed a
policy of appeasement because he saw fascism as a force to balance
the Communism of Stalin's Soviet Union. Doubtless he also believed
that if England and France were supportive of Hitler they would not
be attacked by the Third Reich. This was a foolish policy, and it
was not pacifism.
The failure of the United States to stand up against Hitler
likewise had nothing to do with pacifism. Our nation had refused to
be part of the League of Nations because we refused to take part in
any international effort we did not control and that was seen as a
violation of our national sovereignty. We also took no part in
opposing anything Germany, Italy, or Japan did during the 1930s—at
least nothing of any significance or effect. Those Americans who did
try to do something, notably in the Spanish Civil War, were later
condemned as Communist sympathizers, if not Soviet agents. In
addition to an isolation of self-interest, America was also
influenced by a racism and bigotry that were pervasive not only
among the Archie Bunkers of the time, but among the political and
cultural elite of our society. None of this was due to pacifism.
Nonviolent methods are powerful and effective. Pacifism works.
The same kind of self-interested political folly is part of
American foreign policy down to the present day. Saddam Hussein is
still in power because George Bush Sr. wanted Iraq to remain as a
bulwark against Iran. In fact, it had been United States foreign
policy to support Hussein's regime for several years before the
invasion of Kuwait. The peace movement had been calling for an end
to this support because of Hussein's record of oppression and
violence against his own people for years before our president
suddenly realized what a villain he is. Indeed, as late as a few
weeks before the invasion, Bush opposed a bill in Congress calling
for an arms embargo against Iraq. Likewise it was American policies
that gave power to any number of international evil-doers, including
the Taliban, in pursuit of American interests.
The attitude of these political "peacemakers" can be summed up by
a quote from Franklin Delano Roosevelt. When some complained about
the tyranny of Somoza, who we had put in power in Nicaragua, FDR
responded, "He may be a son of a bitch, but he's our son of a
bitch." This sentiment is typical of political thinking from
Chamberlain on Hitler to Bush Jr. on the Taliban before September
11. Whatever this is, it is not pacifism.
Pacifists are often attacked by people who seem to think the only
effective response to evil is military power. In fact military power
alone is not effective against anything except, sometimes, another
military force. Let's go back again to World War II for some
examples. The French ignored Hitler's rise believing that they had
the means to stop him with the Maginot Line. When Germany reoccupied
the Rhineland, France did nothing, yet historians note that Hitler's
orders were for his soldiers to retreat if the French made any
opposition to the move. As it turned out, of course, the Maginot
Line turned out to be as relevant to World War II as the Polish
Calvary. It was nothing more than a fortified, concrete trench with
no relevance to the Wehrmacht of the Third Reich. The
parallels with today's missile defense program are obvious: a
grossly expensive, technically unworkable, and entirely irrelevant
defense against an enemy that no longer exists. France went along
with Chamberlain's policy because of a belief that she had an
adequate defense against Germany. This too was not pacifism.
Since World War II we have bombed over twenty countries and not
once have we ended a dictatorship by doing so. We threw everything
we had, except nuclear weapons, against the North Vietnamese for a
decade and, in the end, we had to retreat. We destroyed the economy
and infrastructure of Iraq, but Saddam Hussein is still in power. We
devastated Belgrade, but we will be playing whack-a-mole with Balkan
ethnic groups far into the foreseeable future. Israel and the
Palestinians have both failed to get rights or security through
violence. Sari Nusseibeh, a notable Palestinian leader, recently
said that his people's greatest mistake has been the idea that
Israel would succumb to violence.
The bombing and invasion of Afghanistan should be opposed because
it will not work and is very likely to make matters much worse.
Every American bullet and missile fired is a gift to Osama bin
Laden. We can talk all we want about respect for Islam and Muslims,
but those words will not be believed. Al Qaeda and its allies and
supporters claim that America has declared war on Islam. The Islamic
press and clergy in much of the world speak of the Taliban as the
ideal of Islamic national life. For people who do not watch CNN, let
alone Fox, an attack on the Taliban is an attack on Islam. Our war
on terrorism is likely to become the World War III that will employ
weapons of mass destruction, unless we find another way. Our own
government has acknowledged this danger, at least indirectly.
Nonetheless they are pursuing a military strategy that ignores the
What is the alternative? First, while it seems pointless at this
juncture to argue about what we should have been doing since the
attacks on September 11, we can all agree that those outrages were
criminal acts and those who carried them out are criminals. We must
do all that can be done, within the constraints set by a democratic
society, to break the support for Al Qaeda and its allies around the
world. Our aim should be to render them virtually powerless without
making martyrs of them.
Second, we must begin to think about how we can influence foreign
policy in non-military ways. The United States has become the least
generous of economic powers in the area of foreign aid. Most of the
money we do allot is for the purchase of military hardware. We need
to think back to the success of the Marshall Plan, which aimed to
help our former enemies rebuild their economies (a lesson learned
from the aftermath of World War I, when the Allies' attempt to keep
their enemies weak, led to the rise of fascism and Nazism). Today,
the United States should vigorously pursue a program of economic
justice throughout the Islamic world. In order to destroy the
credibility of those who paint us as evil, we must do good.
Our government, our press, and our society seem to pay attention
only to people with guns. The time has come to recognize that
nonviolent methods are powerful and effective. Pacifism works. This
has been demonstrated over and over in such places as the
Philippines, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Chile, and even the Soviet
Union. There are pacifist organizations and movements everywhere
including in Muslim countries. These should be supported and
Military force defeats evil in comic books and at the movies. It
usually fails in real life. There is a better way: pacifism—now more
than ever. 
Rabbi Philip J. Bentley, honorary
president of the Jewish Peace Fellowship, is a pacifist in the
Jewish tradition. He is currently dean of admissions and student
life at the Academy for Jewish Religion in Riverdale, NY.